Deciduous and oak forests at elevations from sea level to 1,500 metres. Found in areas transitional between tropical deciduous forest and oak woodland, in rocky areas and on steep cliffs.
Life form | perennial |
Growth form | tree |
Growth support | free-standing |
Foliage retention | evergreen |
Sexuality | dioecy |
Pollination | - |
Spread | - |
Mature width (meter) | 0.65 - 0.9 |
Mature height (meter) | 1.0 - 1.5 |
Root system | - |
Rooting depth (meter) | - |
Root diameter (meter) | - |
Flower color | - |
Blooming months | - |
Fruit color | - |
Fruiting months | - |
Nitrogen fixer | nostocaceae |
Photosynthetic pathway | - |
Light |
Soil humidity | |
Soil texture | - |
Soil acidity | |
Soil nutriment | - |
Hardiness (USDA) |
Uses | environmental use food gum medicinal |
Edible | roots seeds |
Therapeutic use | Neuralgia (unspecified), Poison (unspecified) |
Human toxicity | - |
Animal toxicity | - |
Mode | seedlings |
Germination duration (days) | 30 - 90 |
Germination temperacture (C°) | 21 - 23 |
Germination luminosity | - |
Germination treatment | - |
Minimum temperature (C°) | - |
Optimum temperature (C°) | - |
Size | - |
Vigor | - |
Productivity | - |
LSID | |
WFO ID | wfo-0000648114 |
COL ID | 36BDC |
BDTFX ID | - |
INPN ID | 629565 |
Wikipedia (EN) | Link |
Wikipedia (FR) | Link |