Underground parts and lower parts of the stem unknown; distal parts glabrous (doubtless glabres-cent), sparingly prickly, faintly ridged. Bulbils none seen. Leaflets 5, thinly herbaceous; petiole c. 7 cm, sparingly clad with rather stiff hairs; middle leaflet elliptic, obtuse or almost rounded at the base, abruptly acuminate, to 12 by 5 cm; outer leaflets only slightly inequilateral; upper surface of the blades glabrous; lower retaining to maturity a small amount of rusty red hair; nerves prominent; petiolules to 10 mm. Male inflorescences up to 50 cm long, the primary axis branched and the branching twice or thrice repeated, shortly pubescent, ultimately glabrescent. Bracts carried almost at the top of the pedicel which is 1 mm long, broadly triangularly ovate, ± acuminate, rusty red haired. Flower-bearing axes to 2 cm long so densely placed that they touch one another. Outer tepals ovate, obtuse, bordered and beset down the middle line by red-brown hairs 1.5 mm long, inner ones elliptic, shorter than the outer ones, obtuse. Stamens overtopped by the staminodes. Female plant unknown.