A yam. It has several tubers. They are oval or pear shaped. They can be 5 cm long. The stems twine to the left. The stems are wiry. They do not have prickles. The leaves are usually opposite. The leaf blades are oval and entire and relatively small. They are papery and thick. Female flowers occur singly or in pairs and male flowers are simple or compound. The fruit is a capsule 2-3 cm long by 1.5-2.5 cm wide.
Perennial with tubers on slender roots from small crown, stems twisting to the right. Leaves ovate to heart-shaped. Male flowers in erect racemes, female flowers in nodding spikes, white.
Climber. Tubers several on roots from a perennial crown. Stems dextrorse. Leaf lamina broadly ovate, apex acuminate or acute, base deeply cordate. Seeds distally winged. Flowers white.