Underground parts unknown. Plant glabrous. Stem in the upper parts unarmed, faintly ridged. Bulbils none seen. Leaves alternate, but often two so close as to appear opposed, elliptic or elliptic-ovate, abruptly acuminate, rounded at the base, chartaceous, to 12 × 5½ cm, 7-nerved; upper surface quite smooth; petiole to 2 cm or about ¾ the length of the lamina. Male flowering axes in dense fascicles in the axils of leaves, up to 10 cm long with perhaps 60 flowers spaced 2-3 times their diameter apart; axis slender, angled, slightly flexu-ous. Bracts deltoid-acuminate, 1 mm long. Buds ovoid from a narrow base, to 1 ¼ mm long. Tepals said to be greenish white. Stamens in two series, obviously by elevation of the torus as described in D. sexrimata; the torus raises those before the inner tepals higher than those before the outer tepals. Female flowering axes attaining 60 cm in length with upwards of 100 flowers; axis slightly angled. Capsules unknown.