Tuber pyriform to clavate; flesh firm. Stem abundantly prickly at the base, to 6 mm in diameter, from pubescent to glabrescent. Leaves 3-5-foliate, herbaceous; petiole about as long as the middle leaflet, glabrous; middle leaflet elliptic, acuminate, acute at the base, to 8 by 4 cm, outer leaflets inequilateral with one primary nerve outside the midrib; blades below with short red-brown hair, nerves prominent; petiolules to 5 mm. Male flowering axes aggregated into long leafless inflorescences, 1-4 together; flowers to 25 on the flower-bearing axes 5 cm long, touching each other, pubescent with red-brown hair. Bracts narrowly ovate, acuminate, covering but not enwrapping the flower, densely pubescent, 1½ mm long. Pedicels carrying the bract close under the flower. Outer tepals ovate, acute, 1 mm long; filament as long as the anther; staminodes subspathulate, overtopping the stamens. Female flowering axes solitary from the axils of upper leaves, with c. 35 flowers buried in red-brown hair but later glabrescent. Bracts lanceolate, acute, densely pubescent, 1½ mm long. Fertilized ovary in a horizontal position. Outer tepals broadly ovate, acute, 1½ mm long, densely pubescent outside, inner ones similar except thinner margins. Capsules blacken as they ripen, slightly retuse at either end, margins parallel; stipe 2 mm; wings 40-50 by 11-12 mm.