Stems herbaceous, glabrous, unarmed, twining dextrorsely; leaves alternate; petiole 6-7 cm. long, glabrous; leaf blades ovate, up to 12 cm. long and 10 cm. wide, acuminate, cordate at base, glabrous, entire, 9-nerved; staminate inflorescences 1 or 2 in an axil, about 15 cm. long, the rhachis glabrous; flowers borne in short cymules, the common peduncle 2-6 mm. long, the pedicels 2-4 mm. long; perianth segments green, linear-oblong, glabrous, about 2 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide; fertile stamens 3, the filaments connate to above middle, the anthers extrorse; staminodia none; rudimentary ovary none; pistillate inflorescence solitary, un-branched, up to 11 cm. long; staminodia none; styles connate, 1 mm. long, the stigmas short; ovary glabrous; capsule about 15 mm. long and 5 mm. wide; seeds winged all around.