Stems climbing sinistrorsely, glabrous, bearing spines at base of larger leaves; leaves often opposite or subopposite; petioles elon-gate, up to 8 cm. long, often nearly as long as blade, glabrous; leaf blades ovate, up to 9 cm. long and 7 cm. broad, acuminate, truncate at base, 9-nerved, glabrous, mem-branous, entire, conspicuously pellucid-lineo-late; staminate spikes 8-20 cm. long, 1-3 in an axil, unbranched or conspicuously branched, the rhachis glabrous; flowers soli-tary, sessile; perianth segments about 3 mm. long, connate at base about 0.7 mm., fleshy, glabrous; stamens 6, all fertile, inserted on perianth lobes, the filaments about 0.6 mm. long, the anthers about 0.5 mm. long, in-trorse; rudimentary ovary large; pistillate spikes solitary, axillary, 10-20 cm. long; capsules oblong, 23-30 mm. long, 13-16 mm. wide, coriaceous, tuberculate, especially near middle of valves; seeds about 2 cm. long (including wing) and 6 mm. wide, winged on lower end.