Leaves rigid, coriaceous, glossy above, pale glaucous–green beneath; lamina 6 x 2–12 x 4 cm., usually narrowly to broadly elliptic and rounded or subacute at both ends, but sometimes lanceolate or lanceolate–elliptic and acute at both ends; lower surface glabrous except for a few strigulose hairs; lateral nerves in about 7 pairs, indistinct above, subprominent beneath; venation indistinct.
Corolla c. 1·4 cm. long, hypocrateriform, white and waxy inside, strigulose–tomentellous outside with blackish, downward–directed hairs; tube c. 1 cm. long, broadest at the middle, thickened and constricted inside at the throat; lobes 4–6, 0·4 x 0·3 cm., suborbicular.
Ovary 0·5 x 0·5 cm., subglobose, merging into the short, stout style, strigulose–tomentellous; locules 6, styles 3, short; stigmatic lobes, large, fleshy, deeply and irregularly lobed.
Male flowers rarely axillary, usually in subsessile clusters on the older branchlets and on branches up to 10 cm. in diameter, the persistent axes forming prominent coralloid bosses.
Calyx 0·6 cm. long, cyathiform, with 4–6 very short, broadly deltate or rounded lobes, strigulose–tomentellous outside with blackish, upward–directed hairs.
Fruit up to 4 cm. in diameter, obovoid or oblate, orange, tomentose when young with chocolate–brown or rufous appressed hairs, glabrescent in patches.
Female flowers similar to the male in structure and position, but calyx more deeply lobed and corolla with broader tube and shorter lobes.
Stamens 15–17, included, inserted on the receptacle, 0·6 cm. long; filaments c. 0–1 cm. long; anthers linear–apiculate, glabrous.
Small, evergreen sclerophyllous tree 3–8(12) m. high, very rarely flowering as a shrub less than 1 m. high.
Staminodes 6–8, densely setulose, attached to base of corolla–tube.
Fruiting calyx 0·5–0·6 cm. long, scarcely accrescent, patelliform.
Pistillode represented by a tuft of glandular hairs.
Seeds 5–6, c. 2 x 1 x 0·8 cm., endosperm smooth.
Bracts inconspicuous, up to 0·3 cm. long.
Bark blackish, rough, deeply fissured.
Crown dense, rounded.