Nonastringent Diospyros kaki, sport of Fuyu ripening 10-14 d earlier. Origin: Wasco, CA, by A.W. Carlson. Tree sport of Fuyu, discovered 1996. USPP 16,822; 18 July 2006. Tree: size medium, height on trellis 2.4-3 m, width 2.4-3 m; vigor good; productivity good; bearing regular. Fruit: uniform and large for Asian persimmon, axial diameter 72-76 mm; diameter transverse in suture plane 51-52 mm; diameter transverse and at right angles to suture plane 73-78 mm; globular with flat apex; two sutures at right angles to each other; skin thickness average, glabrous, adheres lightly to flesh; ground color wood rose sorghum brown (Maerz and Paul P1.6 B9), absent on shoulder; blush coral bell (Maerz and Paul P1.3 H10); flesh coral bell (Maerz and Paul P1.3 H10); firm at commercial maturity; flavor mild, with no apparent astringency, sweet, 16 °Brix; eating quality similar to Fuyu; seeds none; for fresh market; ripens 10-14 d before Fuyu, first week of October in southern San Joaquin Valley, California.