A small tree. It grows to 7 m high. The bark is dark grey and very rough. It often flakes off in square sections. It loses many leaves during the year. The leaves are oval or round and 15 cm long by 8.5 cm across. The young leaves and stems have pink hairs. The flowers are pinkish. They have pinkish woolly hairs. They occur in heads of a few flowers in the axils of leaves. These are about 2 cm long. The fruit are round and 3.5-4 cm across. They are yellow when mature. The fruit are edible.
Leaves subcoriaceous, drying pale reddish–brown; lamina 8 x 5–18 x 12 cm., broadly elliptic, apex and base usually rounded; lower surface persistently pubescent with spreading flexuose hairs, rarely glabrescent; secondary nerves in 6–8 pairs, prominent beneath, tertiary nerves and veins forming a prominent reticulum beneath.
Male flowers in 3–or more flowered cymules borne towards the base of the current year’s growth in the axils of caducous reduced leaves or the first–formed foliage leaves; peduncles 0·5–1·5 cm. long; pedicels c. 0·1 cm. long.
Corolla 1 cm. long, urceolate, velutinous–tomentose outside, glabrous inside and thickened at the throat; tube 0·8 cm. long; lobes 4–5, 0·2 cm. long, ovate–apiculate.
Female flowers similar to male but solitary or in pairs and much larger, especially the calyx which is 0·8–1 cm. long and is more deeply–lobed.
Stamens 14–16, included, 0·5–0·6 cm. long; filaments very short, inserted on the receptacle; anthers linear–lanceolate, apiculate, glabrous.
Ovary 0·6 x 0·4 cm.; locules 4; style not differentiated from the ovary; stigma large, fleshy, sessile, 3–4–lobed.
Young branchlets, leaves and inflorescence–axes densely covered with pinkish lanate indumentum.
Fruit up to 3·5 cm. in diameter, golden–yellow or orange, globose, verruculose, glabrescent.
Fruiting calyx with flat not undulate lobes, except sometimes in very old specimens.
Bark dark grey or blackish, rough with deep longitudinal fissures.
Calyx 0·4–0·7 cm. long, lobes 4–5, 0·3–0·5 cm. long, debate.
Small, deciduous or semi–deciduous tree 4–8 m. high.
Seeds 3–4, reddish–brown; endosperm ruminate.
Pistillode minute, tomentose.
Staminodes c. 8, filiform.
Bole often twisted.
Crown rounded.