Leaves chartaceous, drying dark brown above, pale yellowish–brown beneath; lamina 3·2 x 1·2–9 .5 x 3·5 cm., oblanceolate, oblanceolate–oblong or obovate–oblong, apex usually shortly and abruptly acuminate, rarely acute or obtuse, base cuneate or rounded; lower surface densely strigulose–setulose on nerves and veins, less densely so on lamina; lateral nerves in 5–9 pairs, prominent beneath, arcuate and anastomosing near the margin; tertiary nerves and veins forming a lax reticulum, slightly prominent beneath.
Stamens c. 50, far–exserted, up to 0–6 cm. long, filaments up to 0–25 cm. long, setulose, inserted on corolla–tube; anthers narrowly lanceolate, apiculate, connective sparsely strigulose on abaxial surface.
Calyx at first closed in bud, at anthesis cyathiform, 0·5 x 0·6 cm., strigulose–tomentellous with dark brown hairs, margin subtruncate with 4 broadly deltate lobes scarcely 0·1 cm. long.
Male flowers subfasciculate or in shortly pedunculate cymes, 6–9 together in axils of fallen leaves or on older branchlets; pedicels 0·2–0·3 cm. long, densely setulose–pubescent.
Corolla 1·3 cm. long, rotate; tube 0·4 x 0·4 cm., lobes 4, ovate–lingulate, 0· x 0· cm., outer surface tomentellous where exposed in bud, glabrous where overlapped in bud.
Female flowers in 1–5–flowered fascicles on older leafless branchlets; pedicels 0·5–0·6 cm. long, tomentellous; bracts foliaceous, 0·9 x 0·5 cm., caducous.
Calyx 0–8 cm. long, cyathiform, brown–velutinous–tomentellous outside, paler tomentellous inside, very shallowly and irregularly lobed at apex.
Ovary 0· x 0· cm.; common style 0·3 cm. long, densely strigulose, ending in 4 fleshy, glabrous, 0·2 cm. long, irregularly lobed stigmata.
Corolla coriaceous, subrotate, 0·7–0·8 cm. long, fulvous–strigulose–tomentellous; tube 0·15–0·2 cm. long; lobes 4, Ungulate.
Fruiting calyx 1·4 x 2·4 cm., glabrescent in patches outside, persistently and minutely strigulose inside.
Staminodes c. 16, 0· cm. long, inserted on corolla–tube; antherodes densely setulose.
Fruit apiculate, yellow at first, black when ripe, c. 2·5 x 2·2 cm., glabrous.
Small, bushy, semi–deciduous tree up to 10 m. high.
Bark smooth, shed in large irregular scales.
Seeds 8, black, 1·6 x 0·6 x 0·4 cm.