A shrub or small tree. It grows 3-8 m tall. The bark is rough. The branches are spreading and hairy. The leaves are papery and taper from the tip to the base. They have a velvety covering underneath. The male flowers are in groups of 3. The fruit are 2-3 cm across. They are round and have a velvety covering. There can be up to 8 seeds. These are 1-2 cm long.
Male flowers usually in 3–flowered axillary cymes, tetramerous; peduncle up to 1–5 cm. long; pedicels up to 0·8 cm. long; bracts c. 0·9 x 0·3 cm., foliaceous, opposite, lanceolate, abruptly acuminate; indumentum of inflorescence consisting of long spreading, short setose, and reddish glandular hairs.
Leaves chartaceous, drying dull brown or grey–green; lamina sub–obdeltate, gradually tapered from near the apex to the slightly cordade base, apex both cuspidate, and truncate or emarginate; margin ciliate: lower surface velutinous–tomentose; secondary nerves in 5–6 pairs, prominent below.
Fruiting calyx accrescent, completely concealing the fruit; lobes 2 x 1·5–4·1 x 2·2 cm., ovate, acute or acuminate, velutinous–tomentose.
Stamens 8, 0·25–0·3 cm. long; filaments very short, glabrous; anthers 0·2–0·25 cm. long, lanceolate, densely sericeous–pubescent.
Calyx 0·4 cm. long; lobes tomentellous on both surfaces, debate or ovate–acuminate, the margins reduplicate.
Seeds up to 8, 1·1–1·7 cm. long, reddish–brown; testa smooth or minutely pitted; endosperm smooth.
Branchlets spreading–pubescent with dense, short, setose hairs and longer, fulvous, pilose hairs.
Pistillode 0·1 cm. long, conoidal, minutely tomentellous; locules 8; stylodes 4, glabrous.
Corolla 0·4–0·5 cm. long, lobed almost to the base; lobes subacute, glabrous.
Fruit 2–2·8 cm. in diameter, globose, fulvous–velutinous.
Shrub or small tree 3–8 m. high.
Female flowers unknown.
Disk fimbriate.
Bark rough.