Female flowers solitary, shortly pedicellate, with 6 or more deltate–bracts, otherwise similar to the male but corolla–tube slightly wider and more contracted at the throat.
Stamens 12–14, visible at the throat but included, 0·3–0·4 cm. long; filaments very short, inserted on the receptacle; anthers lanceolate, apiculate, glabrous.
Usually a rhizomatous suffrutex up to 0·45 m. high and forming mats a few metres in diameter; when fire–protected a shrub up to 2·5 m. high.
Corolla 0·7–0·8 cm. long, cream, urceolate, strigulose–tomentellous almost to the base outside; lobes 3(4), ovate–deltate, 0·25 cm. long.
Calyx 0·4 cm. long, strigulose–tomentellous outside, lobed almost to the base; lobes 3(4) narrowly deltate.
Male flowers pale yellow, sessile in 1–7–flowered clusters in the axils of leaves or of fallen leaves.
Fruit 2·5 x 2·5 cm., subglobose, fulvous–tomentose, outer pericarp somewhat woody.
Styles 3, 0·15 cm. long, erect, glabrous distally, stigmatic on inner surface.
Staminodes 3(4), filiform, inserted on the receptacle.
Fruiting calyx not accrescent, 0·4 cm. long.
Pistillode represented by a tuft of hairs.
Ovary 0·5 x 0·4 cm., locules 6.
Seeds 6 or fewer.