Spreading shrub c. 1 m high. Leaves with petiole 5–15 mm long; lamina flat, oblong-elliptic to elliptic, 20–50 mm long, broadly cuneate at base, rounded at apex, papery, sparsely pubescent adaxially, sparsely to moderately pubescent abaxially with small and large stellate hairs. Flowerheads c. 15 mm diam.; outer bracts ovate to narrowly triangular, c. 8 mm long, green to reddish brown, pubescent with small, and a few moderately large, stellate hairs; inner bracts narrowly oblong, c. 12 mm long, acuminate, stellate-pubescent. Petals c. 9 mm long, pale red, stellate-pubescent. Stamens: filaments c. 25 mm long, stellate-pilose towards base, red or yellow; anthers c. 1.2 mm long, pale red.