Small erect shrub 20–80 cm high. Leaves with petiole 3–5 mm long; lamina broadly obovate, mostly 6–12 mm long, cuneate at base, rounded (and often emarginate) at apex, papery, sparsely covered with even-sized stellate hairs on both sides. Flowerheads small, c. 10 mm diam.; outer bracts ovate to broadly ovate, c. 12 mm long, rusty-pubescent with both small and large stellate hairs; inner bracts narrowly ovate to ovate, slightly exceeding outer ones. Petals c. 9 mm long, moderately stellate-pubescent. Stamens: filaments c. 15 mm long, green to yellow, stellate-pilose in lower half; anthers c. 1 mm long, red.