Large tree. Twig, leaf bud, stipule, petiole, leaf undersurface, panicle and ovary densely persistently buff pubescent; hairs longer on buds and stipules; calyx thus at first, becoming sparsely so in fruit; parts of petals exposed in bud densely puberulent. Twigs c. 2 mm ø apically, terete, rugulose, pale brown, much branched. Buds to 12 by 3 mm, lanceolate-falcate; expanded stipule not seen. Leaves 6-8 by 1.7-2.5 cm, lanceolate, thinly coriaceous, distinctly persistently plicate; base cuneate; apex shortly narrowly tapering-acuminate; nerves 8-9 pairs, steeply ascending at c. 40°, slender but distinctly elevated beneath; tertiary nerves densely scalariform, slender and obscure; midrib prominent beneath, shallowly depressed above; petiole 1.7-2.5 cm long, very slender. Inflorescence to 4 cm long, axillary, simple or singly branched, bearing 4-5 secund flowers. Flower buds to 22 by 8 mm, fusiform. Stamens c. 25, exceeding style at anthesis; filaments slender, somewhat longer than the narrow tapering anthers and appendage; style columnar, pubescent in the basal 1/2. Fruit pedicel to 3 mm long, broadening into the to 14 by 10 mm broadly ellipsoid or obovoid, sharply though narrowly 5-ribbed, calyx tube; 2 longer lobes to 5 by 1.2 cm, broadly spatulate, narrowly obtuse, constricted to c. 4 mm broad at base; 3 shorter lobes to 5 by 5 mm, ovate, obtuse, ± revolute.