Large buttressed tree. Twig, leaf bud, stipule outside, petiole, midrib above and inflorescence densely shortly yellow-brown tufted tomentose, leaf undersurface and nervation above more sparsely so, flower calyx and ovary densely yellow-brown puberulent, fruit calyx glabrescent. Twig c. 3 mm ø apically, terete. Buds to 11 by 6 mm, narrowly ovoid, acute; expanded stipule unknown. Leaves 10-23 by 6-17 cm, broadly elliptic, ± chartaceous, ± prominently concave beneath; base obtuse, apex ± shortly prominently cuspidate, obtuse; nerves c. 12 pairs, prominently raised beneath as also the midrib; tertiary nerves remotely scalariform; petiole 3.5-6 cm long, c. 3 mm ø, long. Inflorescence to 6 cm long, axillary, unbranched, bearing to 3 flowers. Flower buds to 3.5 by 1 cm, lanceolate. Stamens 25; mature flowers unknown. Fruit subsessile; calyx tube to 4.5 by 3.5 cm including the 5, to 1.5 cm wide, prominent continuous coriaceous wings, the tube itself c. 1.5 cm ø, subglobose, the wings decurrent basally with the pedicel axis and apically with the base of the lobes; 2 longer lobes to 16 by 4 cm, broadly lorate, obtuse, hardly tapering but undulate at base; 3 shorter lobes to 1.5 by 1.2 cm, suborbicular, with narrowly revolute margin.