Leaf beneath, petiole and twig shortly densely evenly pale pink-brown pubescent; leaf bud, stipule outside and midrib beneath, twig and petiole of young tree with to 2 mm long dense hairs; stipule glabrous within. Twig 8-13 mm ø, stout, terete, with subhori-zontal stipule scars; internodes 3-10 mm long, short. Bud 2.5-3 by 1.0-1.7 cm, ovoid-deltoid; stipule to 4 by 2 cm, narrowly ovate, subacute. Leaves 16-21 by 10-15 cm, broadly elliptic-ovate, thickly coriaceous, with obtuse or broadly cuneate base and obtuse to subacute apex; nerves 14-16 pairs, at 20°-60°, prominent beneath, depressed above, the midrib likewise; tertiary nerves obscure, scalariform; petiole 4.5-6 cm long, prominently geniculate. Flower and inflorescence unknown. Fruit pedicel to 7 mm long, prominent. Fruit calyx glabrous; tube to 3 by 2.2 cm, ± broadly ovoid, with 5, to 5 mm wide, stout wings or ribs, tapering abruptly at the apex and gradually towards the base, absent in the basal 1/4 of the tube; 2 longer lobes to 14 by 2.5 cm, spatulate, narrowly obtuse, to 5 mm broad above the tube; 3 shorter lobes to 14 by 2.5 cm, spatulate, narrowly obtuse, to 5 mm broad above the tube; 3 shorter calyx lobes to 12 by 6 mm, elliptic, obtuse, applanate to slightly revolute.