Vegetative parts of mature tree glabrous but for the densely shortly buff pubescent inner surface of bud-scales and stipules. Twigs and buds frequently pruinose. Twig to 7 mm ø towards the apex, somewhat compressed at first, becoming terete, smooth; stipule scars slender, prominent. Bud to 30 by 6 mm, falcate, acute, slender. Stipule to 16 by 2 cm, lorate, subacute. Leaves 12-20 by 7-14 cm, broadly elliptic to ovate, thickly coriaceous, with prominently cuneate base, obtuse to shortly acuminate, persistently folded between the 11-14 pairs of prominent nerves; tertiary nerves slender, scalariform; petiole 3-6 cm long. Raceme to 20 cm long, terete, glabrous, bearing distichous flowers at to 4 cm intervals. Flower buds to 3 by 1.5 cm. Calyx and corolla typical, calyx glabrous. Stamens c. 24, slightly shorter than the style; filaments about 1/2 length of anther, compressed, tapering; anther linear, tapering apically into the acicular appendage; appendage somewhat less than 1/2 length of anther. Ovary ovoid, densely pubescent; style columnar, pubescent except in the apical 1/4. Fruit pedicel to 6 mm long, prominent. Calyx glabrous; tube to 1.5 by 2 cm, subglobose, bearing 5 prominent flange-like tubercles medially; 2 larger calyx lobes to 20 by 4 cm, broadly lorate, obtuse, with to 6 mm wide revolute constriction at the base; 3 shorter lobes to 7 by 6 cm, suborbicular, obtuse, revolute.