Midrib and nerves below fugaceous pubescent; young twig, raceme and petiole ± persistently shortly chestnut pubescent; leaf bud and stipule outside densely persistently long chestnut tomentose. Twig 5-8 mm ø apically, stout, terete. Bud 1-2 by 0.8-1.2 cm, ovoid, acute. Stipule c. 1 by 0.7 mm, narrowly lanceolate, acute. Leaves 10-14 by 7-9 cm, thickly coriaceous, broadly ovate, with sinuate margin; prominently plicately folded between the nerves; base broadly cuneate; acumen c. 4 mm long, broad; nerves 12-14 pairs, well spaced, prominent beneath, somewhat oblique (20°-30° apically and 50°-60° basally); petiole 2-2.5 cm long, stout. Flowers unknown. Raceme to 8 cm long, stout, axillary, singly branched. Fruit calyx tube 2.5-3.5 cm long and broad, ± ovoid, glabrous, sometimes unribbed, usually +-5-ribbed from the obtuse and often impressed base to the constricted c. 8 mm ø neck; ribs obtuse or acute, most prominent, slightly tuberculate, distally; 2 longer lobes 11-15 by 2.5-3.5 cm, coriaceous, slightly twisted, oblong, +-broader in the distal half, obtuse, gradually tapering to the flat c. 6 mm broad base, glabrous, with three subequal closely parallel nerves, prominent on the inner surface; 3 shorter lobes 4-5 mm long and broad, small, deltoid, +-recurved, revolute.