Large tree. Twigs, leaf buds, stipule, petioles, leaf nervation beneath, midrib above, petiole and inflorescences densely persistently pale yellow-brown hirsute; leaf surfaces and fruit calyx sparsely so. Twig c. 4 mm ø apically, terete, +-rugose. Leaf bud to 9 by 7 mm, ovoid, acute; stipules unknown. Leaves 13-16 by 6-9 cm, elliptic, thinly coriaceous, ± boat shaped with the lower surface concave; base narrowly obtuse; acumen to 8 mm long, abrupt, slender; nerves 15-17 pairs, straight, ascending at c. 45°, slender but prominent beneath, shallowly depressed above as also the midrib; tertiary nerves laxly scalariform, slender but prominent beneath, evident above; petiole 3-4 cm long, c. 2 mm ø, slender. Inflorescence to 6 cm long, axillary, apparently unbranched, bearing to 3 fruit (flower unknown). Fruit pedicel to 4 mm long, slender; calyx tube to 1.8 cm ø including the 5 densely convoluted wings, subglobose; 2 longer lobes to 14 by 2.5 cm, spatulate, subacute, c. 8 mm broad at base; 3 shorter lobes to 14 by 7 mm, ovate, +-revolute.