Small or medium-sized, usually misshapen and often coppiced tree with open crown and thick, corky deeply fissured bark. Twigs, leaf buds and petioles densely pale fulvous to buff hirsute or glabrous; leaf beneath and midrib above shortly densely evenly persistently buff pubescent, with the nervation more, or less (Malaya), hirsute; fruit glabrescent. Twig c. 1 mm ø apically, stout. Bud to 20 by 6 mm, lanceolate, subacute; stipules to 7 by 1 cm, lorate, obtuse. Leaves 14-22 by 10-16 cm, broadly ovate, thickly coriaceous, prominently plicate, crenate in the distal 1/2; base obtuse or subcordate; apex obtuse or subacute; nerves 14-20 pairs, stout, prominent beneath, ascending; petiole 2.5-4 cm long, c. 4 mm ø, stout. Flower bud to 2.5 by 1.2 cm; stamens c. 30, +-equalling style at anthesis; filaments lorate, tapering c. 1/2 as long as the relatively stout tapering lorate anthers; appendage acicular, c. 2/3 as long as anther; ovary ovoid, pubescent, surmounted by a slender columnar style ± thrice its length and pubescent in the basal 1/2. Fruit pedicel to 2 by 3 mm, short; calyx tube to 2.5 cm ø, subglobose, smooth; 2 longer lobes to 15 by 3 cm, lorate-spatulate, obtuse, abruptly tapering to c. 8 mm broad at the subrevolute base; 3 shorter lobes to 15 by 10 mm, ovate, obtuse, subrevolute.