Twig, leaf bud, raceme, stipule outside, midrib on both surfaces, and nerves below densely persistently tawny tomentose; nerves above and tertiary nerves beneath sparsely tomentose; leaf margin setose. Twig 3-4 mm ø, terete. Bud 6-10 by 3 mm, ovoid, acute. Stipule c. 1.5 cm long, small, narrowly ovate, obtuse. Leaves 5.5-8 by 3.5-5 cm, broadly obovate, applanate, margin straight and revolute towards the cuneate base, becoming sinuate towards the obtuse or retuse apex; nerves 7-8 pairs, distant, ascending (30°-35°); petiole 0.7-1.0 cm long, stout. Raceme to 7 cm long, unbranched or singly branched, terete. Flower bud to 2.5 by 1 cm. Calyx and corolla typical, calyx glabrous. Stamens 15, shorter than the style; filaments short; anthers narrowly oblong, relatively short, stout; appendage to connective stout at base, tapering gradually, short, 2/3 length of anther. Ovary globose, tomentose as also the narrowly cylindrical style and stylopodium. Fruit subsessile, glabrescent; calyx tube to 2.5 by 1.3 cm, fusiform, broadest towards the base, tapering to the pedicel and more gradually to the 6 mm ø neck; 5-winged, wings thin and papery, striated, strongly undulate, to 8 mm broad towards the apex, tapering to the pedicel or terminating somewhat above it, tapering more rapidly apically and joining with the base of the lobes; 2 longer calyx lobes to 9 by 2 cm, oblong, obtuse; bases constricted to c. 6 mm broad, with slightly revolute margins, with 2 lateral nerves running up half the length of the lobe and one median nerve dividing into three after the termination of the laterals; 3 short lobes 0.8-1.5 by 0.5 cm, ovate, completely revolute, narrowly acute.