Plants robust, 30-250 mm tall; leaves cauline, erect, imbricate, conduplicate, lanceolate, reaching to or rarely over the inflorescence. Inflorescences corymbose, 1-15-flowered; bracts as tall as or taller than the flowers, basally enclosing the ovaries. Flowers not resupinate, with purplish-brown sepals and almost black petals. Median seªpal erect, acute, deeply concave or shallowly galeate, c. 15 mm tall, galea 9 mm wide x 6 mm deep; spur obsolete; lateral sepals patent, spreadªing forwards, narrowly ovate, subnavicular, c. 15 mm long. Petals erect, flanking the anther, sub-oblique, narrowly oblong, c. 6 mm long, with apiªcal calli. Lip patent, oblong, deeply concave, c. 9 mm long, with a rounded apical callus. Stigma on a 1.5 mm tall pedicel; lateral rostellum lobes erect, oblong, concave behind, central lobe small, fleshy.
Robust, tuberous geophyte, 3-25 cm. Leaves lanceolate. Flowers 1-15 in a corymbose raceme, purplish brown and black, lateral sepals narrowly ovate, ± 15 mm long.