An orchid. The tubers are 2-3 cm long by 1 cm wide. It puts up shoots 60 cm tall. There are 2-4 leaves. These are narrowly sword shaped and 22 cm long by 2 cm wide. The flowering shoots are 60 cm tall. The flowers are pink and face downward.
Petals 2-lobed, 10–15 mm long; anterior lobe 7–11 × 5–8 mm, margin entire or rarely serrate, spreading; posterior lobes 10–15 × 3–5 mm, ovate-spathulate, acute to serrate apically, included in the galea and partially overlapping.
Dorsal sepal 14–22 mm long, spathulate; claw 3–6 × 3–4 mm, canaliculate, not always distinct; blade c. 14 mm in diameter, round, obtuse, bowl-shaped and usually curved.
Fertile shoot up to 60 cm tall; cauline leaves imbricate, 4–8 cm long, closely sheathing the scape, free blades produced occasionally; basal leaves 2–3 cm long.
Spur pendent from shortly below the middle of the dorsal sepal, reaching to below its base, 13–20 mm long, clavate, obtuse, spreading sideways and upwards.
Lateral sepals 13–20 mm long, obliquely oblong, obtuse, spreading sideways and upwards.
Sterile shoot up to 60 cm tall; leaves2–4, to 22 × 2 cm, linear-lanceolate, acute.
Floral bracts 3–5 cm long, ovate, acuminate, usually overtopping the flowers.
Anther erect, 5–7 mm long, connective longer than the anther.
Inflorescence lax to subdense, 6–22 cm long, 3–20-flowered.
Terrestrial herb with separate fertile and sterile shoots.
Lip 14–18 mm long, linear, pendent.
Stigma flat, c. 3 mm in diameter.
Flowers facing down, pink.
Ovary c. 2 cm long.