Spur straight with the apex often upcurved, 6–8 mm long, subconic or cylindric to usually somewhat laterally compressed, apex subclavate.
Floral bracts green to somewhat papery, ovate, acute to subacuminate, variable in length but usually shorter than the ovaries.
Dorsal sepal rotund, apiculate; galea 6–8 mm long, 5–8(10) mm wide and 3–4(6) mm deep.
Lateral sepals 6–8 mm long, oblong, rarely ovate to obovate, rounded, apiculi blunt.
Terrestrial herb perennating by testicular tubers. Plants erect, 35–60 cm tall.
Lip 4.5–6 mm long, oblong, rounded, upper surface convex and papillate.
Flowers violet to purple, rarely the lip or the flowers whitish.
A rather lax inflorescence of small purple flowers.
Inflorescence lax, 8–20 cm long, 10–40-flowered.
Rostellum attached to the petal by a keel.
Petals 4.5 × c. 1.5 mm, falcate, truncate.
A slender terrestrial herb 1-2 ft. high
Stigma almost horizontal and square.
Ovary (8)10–13(15) mm long.
Anther c. 3 mm long.