Terrestrial herb, grass-like, geophyte, 0.2-0.6 m high; with root tubers. Leaves radical, hysteranthous, linear, up to 300 mm long. Inflorescence a dense, cylindrical raceme; flowers many, red with yellow petals and lip. Sepals 5-8 mm long; median sepal deeply galeate; spur cylindrical, acute, horizontal to ascending, 20-40 mm long. Lip narrowly oblong to lanceolate. Flowering time Feb.-Apr.
Herb, up to 0.6 m high. Leaves basal ones appearing after flowers, erect, linear, often persisting as fibrous sheath. Flowers: sepals 5-8 mm; dorsal sepal deeply galeate; spur 20-40 mm long, ascending; lip thin, narrowly oblong to lanceolate; viscidia 2 on a 3-lobed rostellum; perianth bright red, petals and lip yellow; May.
Grass-like, tuberous geophyte to 60 cm. Leaves dry at flowering, basal, linear, bracts dry. Flowers many in a dense raceme, bright red to scarlet with yellow petals and lip, spur cylindrical, ascending, 20-40 mm long, lateral sepals ovate to obovate, 6-8 mm long, apiculi up to 3 mm long.