A small sparingly branched spindly tree up to 10 m. tall, but more commonly 5–6 m.. Bark grey.. Young shoots and petioles sparingly adpressed pubescent at first, soon glabrescent.. Twigs yellowish grey-green.. Petioles (5–)8–17(–20) cm. long; leaf-blade elliptic-oblong, 20–30 cm. long, 10–12 cm. wide, acute or obtuse, rounded-cuneate, coarsely glandular serrate-dentate, firmly membranous to thinly chartaceous, lateral nerves 9–10 pairs, ascending, not looped, impressed above, somewhat prominent beneath, smooth above, minutely tuberculate beneath, subglabrous above, sparingly minutely adpressed pubescent along the midrib and main veins and otherwise ± glabrous beneath, purplish at first, later dark green and glossy above, paler beneath.. Stipules ovate, 1 mm. long, pubescent, very fugacious.. Inflorescences up to 50 cm. long, but more commonly 10–30 cm. long; axis densely fulvous pubescent; bracts triangular-ovate, 1.5 mm. long, acuminate, densely fulvous pubescent.. Male flowers: pedicels 3–4(–7) mm. long, basally articulate, densely pubescent; calyx-lobes 4, broadly triangular-ovate, 1.5 mm. long, obtuse, subacute or acute, densely adpressed pubescent without, glabrous within, pale green; disc shallowly crenulate, 1.5 mm. diameter, papillose; stamens 6–7(–9), biseriate, 0.5 mm. long, anthers white.. Female flowers: pedicels 0.2 mm. long, extending to 2 mm. in fruit, basally articulate, evenly pubescent; calyx-lobes ovate, 1–1.5 mm. long, unequal in width, subacute, thick at the base, densely adpressed fulvous pubescent without, thinly sericeous within, grey-green; disc-glands 1 mm. long, 1.3 mm. wide, obtuse; ovary bilobate, 1.5 mm. diameter, cocci 0.75 mm. diameter, densely velutinous-pubescent; styles reniform, 0.5 mm. long, glabrous.. Fruit didymous, 5 mm. long, 1–1.2 cm. diameter, the cocci 5 mm. diameter, densely yellowish grey-green velutinous-pubescent.. Seeds subglobose, 3.5–4 mm. diameter, smooth, blackish, with a yellow pseudoaril.. Fig. 54.