Plants 70-650 mm, stem hirsute; leaves 2, cauline, alternate, lanceolate, glabrous or sparsely hirsute, (10) 20-90 x 2.5-6 (-11) mm. Inflorescences 1 (-2)-flowered; bracts ovate to lanceolate, 10-30 x 4-9 mm. Flowers: sepals green, petals usually magenta with darker margins and papillae but sometimes greenish cream; ovary ovoid, not twisted, 5-10 mm long. Median sepal ovate, caudate, pubescent within, with an ascending hood with 2 pouches at the tip, 9-11 x 3-5 mm, (1.5) 2-5 mm deep, cauda (7-)9-20 mm long; lateral sepals at first horizontally spreading then recurved, often twisted backwards, lanceolate, caudate, pubescent at the base, 13-35 (-45) x 3-4 mm, cauda (8-)9-20 mm long, spurs obtuse, c. 1.5 mm long. Petals adnate to the median sepal, broadly oblong, acute, pubescent at the base and verrucose at the apex within, 8-15 x 6-10 mm. Lip basally fused to the gynostemium, clawed; blade verrucose, c. 8 x 2 mm; appendage upcurved, triangular, c. 2 mm long. Anther reflexed; stigma on the rostellum in front of the arms; rostellum arms tightly curled through 270°, c. 2 mm long.