Terrestrial herb, 0.07-0.12 m high, pubescent. Leaves 2, cauline, alternate, ovate, sheaths and margins pubescent, purple beneath, 15-20 x 10-16 mm. Inflorescence 1-flowered; bracts ovate. Flowers white or mauve, petals and lip with magenta spots. Sepals: median sepal ovate, galeate, acute, 3.5 x 2 mm, with blunt spur 2-3 mm long; lateral sepals ovate, acute, 4-5 x 2.5-3.0 mm, spur conical, 1.5 mm long. Petals adnate to median sepal, sinuate, oblong-acute, 4 x 1.5 mm. Lip free from gynostemium, claw linear, 2.5 mm long, blade triangular, acute, up to 1 mm long, appendage oblong, apex 3-or 4-lobed, pubescent, 5-6 mm long. Flowering time Dec.-Mar.
Lip with claw 2.5 mm long widening into an elliptic dilation 1 mm wide before narrowing into an apical part 1 mm long; appendage 5–5.5 × 1 mm, linear, slightly curved, obtusely folded longitudinally, minutely crenulate on margins, the apex papillate and slightly 2-lobed with a tooth on each side and thus appearing 4-lobed.
Lateral sepals free, projecting forwards or deflexed, 4–5 × 2 mm, obliquely ovate, acute; spur 1.5–2 mm long, conical, pointing forwards and almost reaching end of the sepal.
Tuberous geophyte with shortly hairy stem to 20 cm. Leaves 2, spreading, ovate. Flower 1, white or mauve, lip limb minute, upcurved, rostellum arms incurled.
Petals 6 mm long, ± falcate, obscurely lobed towards base on outer margin.
Dorsal sepal joined to petals to form blunt, conical hood 5–6 mm high.
Flowers white to cream with green and purple spotting on the petals.
Small terrestrial herb 7–15 cm tall, the stem sparsely hairy.
Leaves 2, alternate, 14–16 × 6–10 mm, ovate, cordate.
Bracts leaf-like, of similar length.
Ovary 8–10 mm long, bright green.
Inflorescence 1–2-flowered.