Lateral sepals 10 × 6 mm, sub-falcate, oblique, narrow at base, joined for quarter of their length, with very short, obtuse sac-like spurs.
Dorsal sepal reflexed, ± horizontal, narrowly linear, joined to petals to form an open hood 12–14 × 10 mm.
Leaves 3, alternate, the lowermost 1–2 × 0.7–1 cm, oblong or ovate-lanceolate, acute or subacute.
Petals 13 × 5 mm, concave, lanceolate-falcate, sub-obtuse, the outer margin slightly wavy.
Inflorescence few-flowered; flowers pale rose-pink.
Bracts leaf-like, shorter than the ovary.
Dwarf terrestrial herb 7–13 cm tall.
Ovary 9 mm long.