Lip 4.5–7 mm long, the apex bent abruptly inwards and shortly apiculate, the front face joined to the apex of 2 papillose appendages; appendages 6 mm long, 2-lobed with one lobe straight, the other recurved.
Leaves 2, opposite, dark green, shortly petiolate, sheathing at the base, 2–5 × 1.3–3.5 cm, ovate, shortly acuminate, the margins undulate.
Lateral sepals free, 5–6 × 2.5–3 mm, obliquely obovate, aristate at the apex, with incurved, conical spur 2–2.5 mm long near inner edge.
Dorsal sepal lanceolate, acute, concave, bent above the middle, joined to petals to form a hood c. 5 mm long.
Inflorescence 1–4-flowered; flowers white marked with green and purple, held horizontally.
Terrestrial herb 9–15 cm tall; tuber c. 1 cm long ± cylindrical, woolly.
Flowers 1-6, in a short raceme, white with faint purplish markings
Leaves green or bronzy above, purplish beneath
A terrestrial or epiphytic herb 3-8 in. high
Bracts leaf-like, of similar length.
Ovary 12–17 mm long.