Leaves opposite or, rarely, 3-nate, shortly petiolate to subsessile; lamina 2–14 x 1–5·5 cm., the lowermost the Smallest broadly ovate and obtuse, the median ones the largest, ovate or ovate-lanceolate and acute, the uppermost the narrowest, lanceolate, very acute, all subco:)-date or roundish at the base, crenulate at the margin, membranous, light green and Sparsely appressed-setose on both faces, longitudinally 3–5(7)-nerved, the longitudinal nerves slender, impressed above, raised below, the transverse ones inconspicuous on the upper face, somewhat visible on the under one, very slender and oblique the reticulation inconspicuous; petiole up to 8 mm. long, slender, long-hirsute.
Receptacle 7–10 x 4–6 mm., cylindric, covered with linear, patent or reflexed appendages up to 2·5 mm. long sparsely setose all around and stellate-setose (the bristles long ± numerous, strong, whitish or rosy to dark purple) at the slightly dilatfed apex and sometimes also with bristles inserted directly on the receptacle.
Stem erect or ascending, simple or with a few branches, 4(6)-gonous, flat or sulcate on the faces, pale green, ± hirsute with long, whitish or yellowish hairs; internodes usually rather elongate, sometimes up to 18 cm. long; nodes long-setose.
Flowers 5-merous, in terminal very dense capitate inflorescences surrounded by the uppermost leaves, or also in axillary not so dense ones; pedicels ± 0·5 mm. long; bracts 2·5–3 mm. long, oblong, pale, ciliate at the margin.
Sepals 5–8 x 1·75–3 mm., oblong, glabrous or dorsally ± appressed-setose, ciliate at the margin and long-setose at the roundish apex, caducous; intersepalar segments like the uppermost receptacular appendages.
Fructiferous receptacle up to 11 x 6 mm., urceolate-campanulate, slightly contracted above the capsule. Capsule c. 5 mm. in diameter, spherical, setose on the upper part and with an apical crown of bristles.
Stamens subequal with anthers 5–7(10) mm. long, pedoconnective c. 1 mm. long with a c. 0·5 mm. long, bituberculate appendage at the base.
Petals 13–17(24) x 11–15 mm., pale mauve to purple.
An annual or perennial herb up to 2 m. tall.