Woody herb 0.6–1 m. high; branchlets 4-winged (w ings 1.5–2 mm. w ide, narrowing at the nodes), densely woolly at first, becoming densely setose; nodes long setose, setae 7–10 mm. long.. Leaf-lamina oblong-ovate, 4–6.5 cm. long, 0.7–1 cm. wide, apex acute, base shortly attenuate, woolly, becoming shortly strigose on both surfaces; midrib and 2 pairs of longitudinal nerves impressed above, prominent beneath; petiole 2–4 mm. long.. Inflorescence terminal, 1-flowered or 3–5-flowered cymes; flowers 5-merous, subsessile; bracts absent.. Calyx-tube (fig. 12/4, p. 33) campanulate, 8–9 mm. long, 5.5 mm. in diameter, densely sericeous, hairs simple, 3–7 mm. long; lobes caducous, linear-oblong, 15 mm. long, 2.5 mm. wide, sericeous; intersepalar appendages semicircular, 1 mm. long, setose (setae up to 8 mm. long).. Petals obovate, 35 mm. long, 25 mm. wide.. Stamens 10, markedly unequal; 5 large stamens with anthers 11 mm. long, connect ive produced 20 mm., bilobed appendage 2.5 mm. long, filament 15 mm. long; 5 short stamens with anthers 9 mm. long, connective 3 mm. long, bilobed appendage 1.5 mm. long, filament 18 mm. long.. Fruiting capsule enlarging to 10 mm. long and 9 mm. in diameter; setose apex of capsule exserted.