Sepals 9–10 mm. long and c. 3 mm. wide at base, lanceolate, attenuate, acute, pink or purple, scaly like the receptacle, caducous; intersepalar segments linear, dilated at the apex into a stellate-setose disk, caducous.
Fructiferous receptacle 12–13 x 8 mm., urceolate, somewhat contracted above the capsule. Capsule c. 6 mm. in diameter, sub-spherical, appressed-setose, the bristles short, simple.
Flowers 5-merous, in panicles up to 20 x 12 cm., terminal, pyramidal, somewhat lax; pedicels 1·2 mm. long in flower.
Shorter stamens: anthers 10–12 mm. long; pedoconnective c. 2·5 mm. long with the appendage less than 1 mm. long.
Longer stamens: anthers 11–14 mm. long; pedoconnective c. 22 mm. long with the bifid appendage c. 1 mm. long.
Young branches striate, scabrous with minute brownish echinulate scales, the oldest greyish, glabrescent.
Receptacle 10–12 x 5 mm., cylindric, densely scaly, the scales very minute, appressed, echinulate.
Bracts 12–17 x 8–9 mm., ovate to oblong-ovate, acuminate, purplish, shortly setose, caducous.
A shrub or small tree up to c. 3 m. high.
Seeds c. 0·5 mm. long, papillose.
Petals c. 2 cm. long, purple.