Distinguished from D. hastaeformis by slender, terete style and foliage. Perennial, climbing or trailing shrublet, 0.2-0.6(-2.0) m high, with prostrate, scabro-hispidulous stems; root very thick, woody and deeply descending. Leaflets rhombic-ovate or trowel-shaped, obtuse or acute, thickish, immersedly-veiny with scabrous margins. Inflorescences of pedunculate corymbs; peduncles longer than leaves, 4-8(-10)-flowered. Flowers violet, pink or blue. Calyx: lobes short, broad, rounded, ciliolate. Style terete, slender, pubescent throughout. Flowering time July-Aug. Pod tapering much at base, straight, 1-or 2-seeded.
Straggling shrublet, 30-60 cm. Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate, leaflets rhombic-ovate. Flowers in pedunculate corymbs, violet, pink or blue, style terete.