Leaf 8–12 mm across, round or heart-shaped, dull, greyish to blue-grey with darker lines and veins, minutely papillate. Flower stem 100–300 mm tall. Pedicel 10–15 mm long. Tepals 6–12 mm long, pale greenish yellow and red. Labellum basal stalk 6–8 mm long, yellowish green, unspotted. Labellum lamina 8–10 × 3–3.5 mm, uniformly coloured or 2-coloured, dark purple, middle section pale green or dark purple; head structure c. 3 mm long, densely covered with knobby, shiny, black, wart-like calli and protruding, branched hairs; middle section with purple, wart-like calli and branched hairs; tail shallowly upcurved, glabrous. Column 7–8 mm long; foot 7–9 mm long. Anther cap with curved apical point.