Leaf 15–25 mm across, heart-shaped, greyish green with prominent darker veins and reticulations, minutely papillate. Flower stem 250–400 mm tall. Pedicel 10–15 mm long. Tepals 10–14 × 0.5–1 mm, pale green. Labellum basal stalk 4–5 mm long, pale green, unspotted. Labellum lamina 10–12 × 3 mm, nearly cylindrical, uniformly dark purple; head structure globose, densely covered with glossy black, wart-like calli and short hairs; middle section slightly swollen, with short, bristly hairs on distal half (no wart-like calli); tail short, shallowly upcurved, glabrous. Column 10–12 mm long; foot 4–5 mm long. Anther cap with curved apical point.