Dioicous, pale green, small, up to 3 mm long, irregularly branched, epiphyllous. Leaves approximate, erecto-patent, antical lobe convex, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, apex usually incurved dorsal margin irregularly spinously dentate and frequently concavely arched, ventral margin dentate-crenulate by projecting and ± papillose cells, postical lobe of varying size, at most 1/3 as large as the anterior lobe, inflated, the free margin involute and with a spinous tooth formed by a projecting elongate cell, sometimes two cells long, the keel strongly arched and crenulate by papillose cells. Cells of the leaves 14-24 µ, in the lobe frequently with a dorsal papilla, in and near the keel and the lateral margin of the love ± strongly projecting. No ocelli observed. Amphigastria small, lobes 3-5 cells long, in the distal portion uniseriate. Androecia on ± elongated branches, bracts in 2-3 pairs, inflated and almost hemispherical, free margin entire, lateral face with projecting cells. Female organ on short lateral branches, bracts, spinously dentate. Perianth obcordate, at apex 5-plicate, plicae crenulate, basal portion of perianth ± papillose, rostrum short.