Fruit densely yellowish-hairy, stipitate, the stipe rapidly elongating and attaining 2.2–3.5 cm in length; articles 3–5, strongly compressed, 6 × 5 mm (?immature), broadly elliptic or rounded oblong.
Inflorescences terminal, simple, falsely racemose, 10–35 cm long, sometimes with axillary ones as well or a few flowers in the axils, pubescent to appressed pilose.
Rhizomatous subshrub with several stems from a woody base, or a more robust shrub with fewer stems, 0.15–1 m tall.
Stems pubescent to densely appressed-silvery-pilose or almost glabrous.
Calyx glabrescent to pilose with spreading white hairs.
Flowers as in D. pteropus.
Seeds not seen.