Rhizome apex densely covered with castaneous scales. Fronds 0.7-1.1 m; stipe stramineous, rather paler when dried, 30-60 cm, 2-4 mm in diam., base and lower parts densely scaly; scales dull brown, lanceolate, ca. 15 × 1.5 mm, upward glabrescent or with scattered smaller scales; lamina 3-pinnate, deltoid or ovate-oblong, 45-60 × 25-35 cm, rachis glabrescent; pinnae 10-16 pairs, alternate, stalked, obliquely spreading; lowest pinnae ovate-lanceolate, 18-25 × ca. 7 cm, base rounded-cuneate, apex acuminate; primary pinnules ca. 15 pairs, shortly stalked, lanceolate or oblong; basal basiscopic ones larger, broadly lanceolate, 7-9 × 2.5-4.5 cm; secondary pinnules 9 or 10 pairs, shortly stalked or sessile distally, ovate-oblong, ca. 1.3 × 0.7 cm, slightly auriculate at base above, cuneate below, apex obtuse, margin shallowly pinnatifid with lobes blunt at apex, basal ones often with acroscopic lobe free and apex with 2 or 3 obtuse teeth; upper pinnae gradually reduced to pinnatifid lamina apex. Lamina herbaceous, yellowish green when dried; costae (axes of ultimate pinnules) sometimes with minute brown lanceolate scales abaxially. Sori terminal on veinlets, 1-5 pairs per ultimate segment, medially between midvein and margin, and exindusiate.
Rhizome erect. Apex scaly; scales on rhizomes and stipes borne on small tubercles, narrowly triangular, 5-10 mm long, blackish brown with paler margins; margins minutely toothed. Fronds tufted. Stipe 10-25 cm long, stramineous, darker at base. Lamina 3-4-pinnate, pentagonal, 30-40 cm long, 25-38 cm wide, dark green on both surfaces, thin; rachis with a few hairs and narrow scales. Ultimate segments 5-20 mm long, 3-9 mm wide; base asymmetrically cuneate; margins with shortly toothed rounded lobes, and often a long tooth in the sinus between the lobes; veins forked 1-4-times. Sori terminal on vein branches, exindusiate.