A shrub or tree, up to 20-25 m. high. Leaves on petioles 4-7 mm. long, provided at first with small stellate grayish hairs on the upper side and finally glabrescent, densely stellate-hirsute at first beneath, finally nearly glabrous with scattered hairs, oblong-lanceolate or narrowly elliptic, rather gradually tapering at the apex, narrowed into the rotundate-obtuse or shortly acute base, 15-30 cm. long and 4.5-8.0 cm. broad. Flowers opposite the leaves or below the nodes; pedicels gray-tomentellous, 12-15 mm. long (in fruits up to 25 mm.). Sepals reflexed, ovate, gray-tomentellous on both sides, 8-12 mm. long. Petals ovate, obtuse, longitu-dinally striate at the base, densely covered on both sides with very short, gray, stellate hairs, up to 2.5 cm. long and 1.5 cm. broad. Stamens 1.3-1.5 mm. long. Fruit 4.0-4.5 cm. diam.; monocarps free, glabrous but more or less pruinose, obovoid, pentagonal, shortly apiculate, up to 18 mm. long and 7-8 mm. across.
A tree. It grows 7-25 m tall.