Herbs or woody vines, prostrate or twining. Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate; stipules caducous or absent; stipels usually absent; leaflets with obvious sessile glands abaxially. Inflorescence axillary, 1-flowered to racemose. Bracts caducous or absent; bracteoles usually absent. Calyx campanulate; lobes lanceolate or triangular, lowest one longest. Corolla ± longer than calyx; standard almost circular, obovate or transversely elliptic, base with auricles; wings usually with auricles; keels shorter than wings, slightly curved. Stamens diadelphous; vexillary stamen free; anthers uniform. Ovary stipitate or sessile; ovules many; style filiform, introrse, glabrous; stigma small, terminal, capitate. Legume linear or linear-oblong, dehiscent. Seed hilum long or short; strophiole thin and small.