Treelet 2–8 m; bole to 10 cm diam. Bark brown; inner bark yellowish; wood straw. Leafy twigs c. 4–6 mm diam.; buds with long stiletto-like young leaves, finely tomentellous. Leaves 10–25 cm, 2–4-jugate, ± paripinnate with apical spike or its scar, puberulous or subglabrous, opposite or rarely subopposite; petiole 5–10 cm, angled, swollen at base. Leaflets 7–15 by 3–6 cm, oblong to obovate-oblong, finely rugulose, bases acute, apices acuminate, costae 7–10 on each side, ascending, not clearly looped at margin, tertiary venation obscure; petiolules c. 4–6 mm, sulcate, weakly swollen. Thyrses (Harms, l.c.) 3–10 cm, axillary, racemiform bearing glomerules of 1 to a few flowers; axes minutely puberulous. Calyx 2–2.5 mm long, puberulous, margin 4-toothed, the teeth acute. Petals 4, c. 4–5 mm long, lanceolate-ligulate, appressed pubescent, drying pale. Staminal tube adpressed puberulous without, glabrous within, margin crenulate; anthers 6–8, included. Disk short, glabrous. Ovary adpressed pubescent; style adpressed pubescent, stylehead capitate. Capsule c. 4 cm long, 3 cm diam., pyriform, finely pubescent when young, orange when ripe, valves 3 or 4. Seeds 3 or 4, c. 1 cm long, covered with red (?) sarcotesta.