Tree to 30 m; bole to 90 cm diam. Bark fissured to conspicuously scaling and peeling upwards, dark brown; inner bark creamy with white latex; sapwood reddish; heartwood red, hard. Leafy twigs c. 5 mm diam., glabrous to subglabrous, innovations adpressed pubescent. Apical buds with narrowly fist-shaped sericeous young leaves, pale in sicco. Leaves c. 15–25 cm long, paripinnate with terminal caducous spike, pale in sicco, (2–) 3–4(–6)-jugate; petiole c. 5–9 cm long, c. 2.5 mm diam., deeply grooved adaxially, ± glabrous. Leaflets 4–12 by 2.5–5.5 cm, (narrowly) oblong to oblong-ovate, ± glabrous, base narrowly oblique to very asymmetric, apex acuminate, costae c. 11 on each side, obscurely looped near margin, rest of venation obscure; petiolule 4–10 mm. Thyrse to 9 cm, each branch few(–l)-flowered, ± puberulous, weakly supra-axillary; flowers fragrant: bracts c. 1 mm long, deltoid, ± pubescent, pedicels c. 5–6 mm, very slender, articulated with attenuate pseudopedicels c. 7–9 mm; bracteoles minute. Calyx c. 2–3 mm long, broadly cupuliform to salveriform, margin very shallowly lobed, lobes minutely acuminate, to crenulate, glabrous to puberulous or even ciliate at margin. Petals (4 or) 5, 7–8 by 2.5–3 mm, broadly lanceolate, valvate to weakly imbricate, white, apices acute, rather thick, glabrous. Staminal tube urceolate to subcylindrical, (sub)glabrous, white; margin subcrenulate to truncate; anthers (9) 10, c. 0.7 mm long, ovate, subapiculate, almost included; pollen shed in tetrads. Disk c. 1.5 mm tall, subannular, thick, glabrous, margin weakly subcrenulate. Ovary (?4-) 5-locular, (sub)glabrous, each locule with 2 ± superposed ovules; style glabrous, stylehead subcapitate. Capsule c. 1.5 cm diam., (4-) 5-locular, globose, orange-red, each locule with 1 or 2 seeds. Seed c. 8 mm long, ovoid, with circumhilar aril.