Tree to 24 m; bole to 50 cm diam. with buttresses to 60 cm tall and out, 7 cm wide. Bark smooth, lenticellate, to finely fissured, dark brown; inner bark yellowish and reddish brown mottled; sapwood light brown; heartwood reddish brown. Leafy twigs 7–10 mm diam., lenticellate, apical buds stiletto-shaped. Leaves 30–45 cm, subglabrous, 4–6-jugate with apical stub or scar; petiole 9–14 cm, flattened adaxially, swollen basally; rachis angled or almost winged. Leaflets 12–26 by 4–11 cm, ovate to oblong, minutely rugulose, bases asymmetric, attenuate to obtuse, apices acuminate, midrib prominent on both sides, costae 12–15(–18) on each side, spreading, not obviously looped at margin, ± sunken adaxially and prominent abaxially in sicco; petiolules c. 6– 12(–15) mm, weakly swollen, drying blackish. Thyrses spiciform, 3–13 cm, axillary to supra-axillary, ± squarrose; axis puberulous, 3–4 mm diam., bearing scattered congested cymules of 1–5 flowers; bracts c. 0.5 mm, triangular, hirsute, caducous; pedicels c. 1 mm, pubescent. Calyx c. 2.5 mm long and in diam., with very short pseudopedicel, cupular, puberulous without, margin subentire to 4-dentate, the teeth obtuse to acute. Petals 4, at least 4 mm long, acute, valvate, densely short-pubescent without, white. Staminal tube ± weakly puberulous apically without, glabrous within, margin subtruncate to crenulate; anthers 8, c. 1 mm long, oblong, glabrous, ± included. Disk c. 0–5 mm tall, ± pubescent within, margin shallowly lobed, ciliate. Ovary pubescent, 4-locular; style pubescent in proximal 2/3; stylehead subconical-clavate. Capsule solitary, to 10 cm long, 8 cm diam., pyriform but often asymmetric by abortion, apically dimpled, ribbed, scurfy, ochre, drying brown. Seeds at least 2, ?sarcotestal.