Tree to 33 m; bole to 50 cm diam., with plank buttresses to 2 m tall and 1 m out. Bark smooth to longitudinally cracked, grey-green, faintly hooped and finely lenticellate; inner bark cream, flecked orange, fibrous within; wood pale yellow. Leafy twigs c. 7–13 mm diam. with wide pith, conspicuously cicatrose and lenticellate, yellowish when dry. Apical buds to 5 cm long. Leaves to 1 m, 3-or 4-jugate, subglabrous; petiole to 38 cm, swollen at base; rachis to 70 cm, markedly channelled adaxially. Leaflets to 30 by 10 cm, elliptic-ovate, alternate, drying ochreous, dull and thin when fresh, base ± cuneate, apex acuminate; costae 13–18 on each side, ascendant, looping indistinctly at margin, prominent abaxially, other venation obscure; petiolule to 6 mm, slightly swollen. Thyrse to 25 cm long, with spreading branches; flowers foetid. Calyx with irregular margin. Petals 4, finely hairy, creamy-white to orangeish. Staminal tube hairy within, margin ± truncate; anthers 8 (9), inserted within tube. Disk ± truncate. Ovary pubescent; style terete; stylehead discoid. Infructescence axis to 8 mm diam. with 1–3 fruits. Capsule to 10 cm diam., globose to pyriform, 8-locular, shallowly ridged, bright orange-red; pericarp with white latex; the mesocarp fleshy, orange-yellow. Seeds 1–4, 4.5 by 2.5 cm, orange-segment-shaped, with dark red-brown testa and thick pale orange raphe; cotyledons green.
Forests, including riparian ones and those on limestone, at elevations up to 1,800 metres.