Pachycaul tree to 6 m, unbranched or sparingly fastigiately branched. Leaves 70 cm– 1 m, imparipinnate, 8–10-jugate, bunched at tips of stout shoots, drying yellowish; petiole 20–35 mm, 4–5 mm diam., flattened or grooved adaxially in sicco, especially towards base, ± yellow-brown strigose, base swollen; rachis 3-4 mm diam., terete, ± densely yellow-brown strigose. Leaflets opposite, sessile, the most distal the largest, 24-30 by 5-10 cm, oblong to narrowly lanceolate, the most proximal ovate, ± glabrous to ± sparsely strigose adaxially except for densely yellow-brown strigose midrib, conspicuously and sometimes densely strigose abaxially, apex acuminate, acumen to 15 mm, base obtuse, weakly asymmetric, venation brochidodrome, costae c. 16 on each side, arcuate. Thyrses to 80 cm, the flowers on short branches to 8.5 cm or in fascicles of up to 9, borne on the distal 2/3 of axis; axis pendent, c. 3 mm diam., densely yellowstrigose; bracts 5–7 mm long, narrowly triangular, densely adpressed pilose. Flowers sessile, hyacinth-scented (Valeton, l.c.).; bracteoles c. 7, orbicular, passing imperceptibly into sepals. Sepals 5, 2–3 mm long, margin imbricate, adpressed pilose abaxially, membraneous and long-cilate, base somewhat concave; calyx cupular, c. 3 mm long and diam. Petals 5, c. 14 mm long, 2.5–3 mm wide, linear-lanceolate, valvate, ± weakly imbricate at apices, fleshy, adpressed strigose without, adnate to staminal tube in proximal quarter. Staminal tube glabrous, margin ± divided into 10 lobes or erose; anthers 10, c. 1 mm long, narrowly oblong, locellate, glabrous, attached c. 1.5 mm inside tube, subsessile. Disk c. 2 mm long, cylindrical, glabrous, membraneous, margin ± erose. Ovary 5-locular, each locule 1-ovulate, with dense strigae 2 mm long adpressed and basifugal; style terete, glabrous; stylehead capitate-truncate. Capsule c. 4 cm diam., flattened-globose, 5-lobed, densely yellow-ochre, strigose when young, densely short-tomentose, cerebriform in sicco at maturity, the strigae irritant. Seeds up to 5, c. 1 cm long, plano-convex, ?arillate.