Tree 4–12 m. Leafy twigs c. 4–6 mm diam., lenticellate, sericeous to densely long-tomentose when young. Apical buds with fist-shaped young leaves, densely hairy. Leaves 20–40 cm, paripinnate with apical spike c. 2 mm long, densely hairy, 2-or 3-jugate; (petiole 3.5–8 cm long, 1.5–3 mm diam., ± pubescent, swollen and flattened adaxially at base; rachis 6–11 cm, c. 2 mm diam., ± pubescent. Leaflets opposite to subopposite, the most apical the largest, 10–21 by 3–6 cm, the most proximal the smallest, 5–11 by 2–4.5 cm, narrow elliptic or oblong to obovate, glabrous except on the midrib on both surfaces, to densely long pubescent abaxially also, base weakly asymmetric, gradually cuneate, apex acuminate to subcaudate; costae c. 9–11 on each side, the secondaries almost as conspicuous, bifurcating c. 2/3 from the midrib and anastomosing; petiolules 1–3 mm, subgeniculate. Inflorescence a condensed fascicle of thyrses, axillary, c. 5 cm long; axes c. 3–8 mm, ± densely hairy, the branches and pedicels subglabrous; the branches with 1–5 pedicels; bracts and bracteoles c. 1 mm long, triiangular, densely hairy, caducous; pedicels 5–15 mm, very slender, articulated with attenuate pseudopedicels 5–11 mm long. Calyx c. 2–4 mm, shallowly cupular, glabrous, margin subtruncate to irregularly, shallowly 5-lobed. Petals 5, 18–20 mm long, narrowly oblong, white, glabrous, valvate, apices acute, fleshy. Staminal tube glabrous, margin crenate; anthers 10, c. 1 mm long, oblong, apiculate, glabrous, inserted c. 2 mm within tube. Disk c. 5 mm tall, narrowly cylindrical, the margin thickened, crenulate. Ovary and ovules unknown; style terete, densely pubescent in proximal 7/8; stylehead shortly cylindrical. Capsule c. 3 cm diam., spherical, glabrous. Seeds unknown.