Rhizome short; scales to 15 by 2 mm, light brown, thin, flat, margins entire, tapering to apex but not hair-pointed; phyllopodia 1.5 cm long. Sterile frond: stipe to 12 cm long, scaly when young; lamina to 28 by 4.5 cm, widest at middle and gradually narrowed to both ends, apex broadly pointed (less than 90°), base narrower and slightly decurrent; midrib slightly prominent on lower surface near base, distally almost flat, more prominent and grooved on upper surface; cartilaginous edge less than 1/2 mm wide, reflexed when dry, lacking scales; scales on lower surface of lamina stellate, to c. ½ mm diameter, with a few short rays. Fertile frond: stipe to 24 cm long; lamina to 25 by 4.5 cm, sides almost parallel for much of their length, base rather broadly cuneate and slightly decurrent, apex broadly pointed; spores bearing numerous small translucent wings.